The NO Holiday Weight Gain Challenge is Here!
It's no secret that most Americans gain weight in the last six weeks of each year! Which leads to their commitment to lose weight on New Years. Why not change that?
I'm looking forward to Christmas. I love the holidays and the get togethers and parties. Not so much the need for stretchy pants and baggie sweatshirts. So let's make the best of it all and just recommit ourselves to our fitness program and healthy eating, so we can get and stay healthy. Don't forget look and feel our best.If that sounds good, keep reading.
From Thanksgiving Day Thursday Nov. 25th through the first week of January 2022 we are going to focus on awareness in our eating.
The Holidays mark the long stretch from Thanksgiving to Christmas Day through New Years.
...there will be holiday parties
...there will be break rooms filled with sweets
...there will be challenges.
Let's not sugarcoat it, you will be bombarded.
Can I help make it easy for you to decide?
It's the year 2021 and we're talking the last part of the year. I need the challenge of being told most people gain weight and I only have to keep my weight the same to succeed. To jump into our final challenge of the year in the last part of 2021, it will be $21. See what I did there?
So what's it all about?
Now, since we're starting this whole No Holiday Weight Gain thing on Thanksgiving, I want to actually explain what we are doing here.
The goal is simple:
Each day, take the necessary actions to make sure you are sticking to your goal of No Holiday Weight Gain.
Every morning, we are going to ask you if your actions aligned with your goals of No Holiday Weight Gain. The goal is not to be perfect but definitely get it right most days. Answer honestly and after the 41 days, we will have a good record of what you need to be successful.
Lie about how you are doing and no one wins. There is nothing right or wrong about answering yes or no. It is simply a record system to see how you are doing. This also helps me to follow up as needed and provide guidance.
Whether or not you are successful that is up to you. Success might mean perfect eating or it might mean not giving in to all the holiday treats. You decide what success means to you and then answer appropriately.
Success for me is
- Protein with each meal
- Plenty of vegetables with each meal
- Drinking more than enough water
- Eating whole food (very little processed foods)
- Limiting dessert only a few times per week
Then every week or so I'll jump on the InBody machine and see what my body is doing.
You CAN do this too.
Here's what we will be focusing on:
#1) Creating Awareness. Most of us who think we eat "pretty good" are not lying or delusional. We just lose track of what and how much we eat on a regular basis. And we aren't going to do it with a bunch of "Don't". Don't do this, don't do that. Don't eat this, etc. Realizing you are choosing to eat this or that while avoiding the mindless munching or stuffing ourselves past the comfort of our pant waistline gives you power. Creating awareness is key.
#2) Knowing How To Recognize "Full". The Ninja Tactic we are going to use here is Eating Slowly. Taking enough time to eat has many positive benefits, including the ability to digest better, signaling your brain you are full, and walking away from the table truly satisfied. Make no mistake, this one skill can be very challenging. Our busy lives just don't seem built for slowing down. But what are we missing when we don't?
#3) Nourished not just "Fed". We are not going to ask you to "cut out" any food and drink during this challenge. We'll provide tips on how to handle the Buffet Line, Eating Out, Meal Planning, How to drink enough water, and more. You'll find memorable analogies like Why you should eat more like Goldilocks instead of all three Bears. We're not looking for perfect but good enough for you to keep the extra weight off.
#4) Move More. Don't snooze on this one (yes, cheering is allowed). Included during the first 24 days of December is a movement challenge. We're not trying to outdo our bad eating or poor nutrition by adding in hours of extra training. This challenge will provide options to cycle healthy behavior through the feel good hormones released by movement.
Remember it's $21 for the final Challenge of the year
But, you may be thinking, this is a Nutrition Challenge. Where's the diet plan? Where's the recipes? Where's my binky?!!!!I am semi-serious about that last one, because for a lot of us the diet plan and recipes ARE our binky (baby pacifier, in case you were wondering). And while plans and recipes can be helpful, working on "Creating Awareness" as described above, is key to making virtually any nutrition plan even better. Why? Because then you are equipped when the plan hits party central with all the glitter and sparkle of holiday foods.6 Weeks. 1 Goal. 0 added Weight Gain.
Here's what happens when you fill out your registration form:
1) You will receive a confirmation and "thank-you" email from us.
2) You will receive an invitation to the challenge via "MYCoach". This is the amazing software we use for our daily "Focus Points". It's also where you'll find the 24 Days of Christmas Countdown Movement Challenge.
3) On Thursday November 25th you will start receiving your first "check-in'. Every day you will be asked if you were accountable for your nutrition for the day before. Simply respond Yes or No. We aren't looking for perfect, but every "Yes" is one step closer to where you want to get.
4) On December 1st - 24th you'll receive your first Christmas Countdown Movement Challenge also contained within MyCoach. The movements are explained and variations are given so everyone can participate.

Welcome to the NO Holiday Weight Gain Challenge! Please fill out your registration details below. Remember it's only $21