Feel Great and Live Young!
Eat Well and Exercise Smart So You Can Enjoy Life.
You CAN Make It Happen! Here's How.
Cr8 Fitness
You aren't 16 anymore, and that's ok. Just because you aren't a kid doesn't mean you have to give up on moving, feeling, looking, and maybe even acting like one! Smart Group Personal Training NH is world class fitness coaching designed to help you stay safe and injury free on your journey to superhero strong and fit.
The best part? We have a blast doing it!
Cr8 Health
Your body is awesome. Superhero Awesome. When you feed it what it needs, you build healthy cells and a metabolism that wants to get rid of excess body fat.
Our PN Certified Master Nutrition Coaches will help you build the nutrition skills you need to lose that first 10 pounds and more!
Cr8 Happy
There's something about getting healthier that just automagically helps you be happier. Exercise, nutrition, stress management, great sleep and fun activities are all a part of living and enjoying your best life.
Keep up to date on all the best health and lifestyle tips!

Your Results
I'll be honest. I needed to lose weight and get healthy or I was facing serious trouble. My doctor had given me 3 months to get it together , or I was going on medications of all kinds. I got started because I was basically sick and tired of being sick and tired, and I was out of time. I didn't start for "social" reasons. There was no motivation in that for me. I was there to get a job done, with specific goals in mind. I had experienced success in fitness in the past, but never understood the nutrition end of things. I had a lot of it backwards.
Along the way it has been wonderful to connect with so many like minded people, and to learn from others. I've also made friends and contacts with so many people. I learn from every story, and each success as well as each struggle. That is what makes personal training nh with Cr8 Fitness unique. Thank you for helping me with my goals. I'm a better Mom, wife, and employee, and person. Keep making it happen we all need you!

Cara Wiley

Coach Nancy Carlson
Getting started is most often the challenging part of losing weight and staying fit. Life is busy, and setting time aside to “work out” is simply one more thing to add to the list.
As a mom of six, with a high maintenance husband, I have this challenge as well. To be honest, I am a work in progress. I believe this is part of what makes a good trainer – the ability to relate to clients. I truly understand the need to integrate an exercise program into a busy lifestyle without neglecting other responsibilities.
I can relate to late nights and early mornings due to a baby in the house or a sick preschooler. I understand relaxing my food standards at the Fourth of July picnic and at Christmas. And I understand being mentally exhausted to the point that I don’t even want to THINK about training.
But I’ve learned not to throw up my hands and give in to the frustration. I want to share this determination and enthusiasm with you. It is not only possible to reach your fitness goals – it will happen! I am living proof. I may not be Mrs. Fitness USA yet, but I have reached goals that others said were simply not possible after having six kids and crossing the big 5-0.
I love personal training and I love living in a tight knit NH community. My passion is teaching and coaching others to think big and reach high. It takes work – hard work – but I am committed to helping you reach your fitness goals and getting in the best shape of your life!
Nancy Carlson is a Certified Professional Fitness Trainer with the National Exercise and Sports Trainer Association, a Level 1 Youth Conditioning Specialist with the International Youth Conditioning Association, and is a Level 2 Certified Precision Nutrition Master coach.
Nancy was recognized in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 as “Best of” Fitness Trainer in Southern NH by the Hippo Press.
World Class Personal Training NH
Fitness and Nutrition Coaching That Works WITH Your Busy Life
The best part of joining the Cr8 Fitness Family is you aren't all by yourself, stuck in an endless cycle of trying to figuring it all out, and left thinking nothing works for you. We got your back, every time.
You Deserve Healthy and Happy
Getting in shape doesn't have to be boring and painful. In fact it shouldn't be! If you aren't having fun and getting results, chances are you won't stick with it very long. Getting that first pushup or chinup, losing that first 5 or 10 pounds, having your friends keep you accountable and cheering you on - that's what keep you coming back for more, just like Amanda and Michelle.
Our Legacy:

Let's Talk!
It's hard to tell what we are all about just looking at a website, right? I get it, which is why I want to invite you to come meet me, see the gym, talk about your goals, and discover together if Cr8 Fitness might be a good fit for you. Simply fill out the form, or give me a call at 603-340-7852 and I'll take good care of you. See you soon! - Coach Nancy