I have heard it said that “Showing up is half the battle”, and while that may be true you still have to do something once you get there to achieve victory.

You can have plans out the wazoo, but if you don’t implement them, you aren’t going to get very far.

I was reminded of this as Dean and I get ready for our son and his family to arrive for a visit. We have to plan and then achieve all the little steps to get things prepared before they even step one foot in the house.

Every time we host any sort of company or an event we each work through our list of things to prepare and get done. I can look over my left shoulder right now and see Dean working to get things he does well- done.

Here’s a couple questions for you: Does having my list make me any more prepared? Does writing down my checklist make any of the 'To Do's' actually to get done?

No, and No.

Because if I don’t take action on the information on those lists, a tree got cut down for nothing – just a big waste.

I’ll admit that my desk is littered with sticky notes and small pieces of papers. I read them, sometimes pick them up to tackle, and yet did nothing about it. Until I stopped chasing “shiny objects”, Until I don't get 'squirelled' by another task, I never got anything done, and my actions flounder.

When I think back on it I give a lot of credit to Dean for getting me pointed in the right direction. He helps me stay focused and on course. Often he will say; "Just work on that one thing for now". Then I actually start working down my list – action was taken!

While taking that step didn’t guarantee the measure of success, without it there would be no second step.

So what does that mean to you?

Are you distracted by shiny objects? I see many people who want to lose weight get distracted by the shiny objects of the diet industry, reading book after book, watching show after show, and never getting around to doing anything.

What is the one thing you are going to do today that will make a measurable difference to your goals?

Don’t just think about it…

Make It Happen!

Coach Nancy

A big shout out to Lorena and Michele. These ladies have taken action to be at training consistently. Day after day, weeks into months and years adding to even more years has led them both to Rock Star status. That is 5 years of training at Cr8 Fitness. How cool is that?


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