Cr8 Fitness is all about helping you to become healthier. We know that if you become healthier you automagically become happier. Now more than ever the world needs more happy. So in our 15th year of business we've Cr8-ed (created) Challenges to keep improving your health.
Most of our challenges have been a month long. I have a challenge for you that is only a week long. The effects of this challenge are endless. This challenge could change your life. You really won't know the effects until you complete it.
Plan all your Meals for a Week.
Recovery week is September 3 - 9. Use the time you would have spent training as the perfect time to plan your meals. Here is how the challenge is going to work. During the Recovery Week spend time creating your meal plan for the following week. You could plan all your meals for a week on September 2nd and use Recovery Week as a practice run for executing your plan. Once your done planning start to execute your plan by creating and shopping for your food. Then start preparing and making meals from your plan. How simple is that?
Benefits of Meal Planning:
- Less daily stress as you'll already know what's for dinner when the question comes up
- Easier time grocery shopping. Buy what you need to get your plan done. You waste time thinking what else do you need while in the cereal aisle at Shaws.
- Spend less money. While at the store you'll be focused to get what you need while not be lured away to buy something that you might or might not even eat.
- Losing weight. The grocery store is in business to help you buy more things. They don't mind tempting you with cookies and chips and soda and candy and baked goods. If its not on your list you'll have an easier time walking right on by.
- Your Family will know the plan too. Less stress, and wasted time rummaging through the cupboards finding out what they can/should eat.
I'm sure you'll discover more reasons as you go.
Coach Dean put together a complete guide to help you meal plan. You can find it here. It's not just a "Complete" guide it is the "Ultimate Guide to Meal Planning". Remember how Cr8 Fitness is in business to help you get healthier and by getting healthier you automagically get happier. Share that happiness with others. Send them over the link to the "Ultimate Guide to Meal Planning". Sharing is one way to bring happiness. 🙂
This is a win/win for you. You'll complete a challenge while making your life simpler. Who doesn't want that?
To your best health,
Coach Nancy