It’s your choice
Every day you get to choose…
Not what happens to you…
But how you respond…
Attitude makes all the difference…
You aren’t always going to succeed to the level of your expectations…
So what?
That’s Life.
Get off the mat and keep working at it…
There is no such thing as “failure” when you learn from your mistakes…
Now I am not a “pie in the sky dreamer”…
I don’t believe “thinking happy thoughts” is going to solve all your problems,
But I also know that wallowing around in self-pity is counterproductive…
You have a lot more control than you may think…
Don’t accept being less than your best…
And strive to be better every day…
Don’t wait for “it” to come to you…
Get out there and…
Make It Happen!
Be Intentional with your actions to better your health.
Start at the top of this list and do as many items as you can in order. The next day start where you left off and complete as many as you can in one day. How many days will it take you to finish the whole list?
Coach Nancy
Get ready to play
1. Drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water.
2. Don’t eat after dinner
3. Eat 5 servings of veggies.
4. No artificial sweeteners in your drinks
5. Take a multivitamin
6. Eat at least 20 grams of lean protein at 3 meals
7. Walk purposefully at least one mile
8. Log your food for the day
9. Do not eat anything out of a box, bag or can. (Think Junk food or fast food.)
10. Take a picture of your breakfast and post it on Facebook or email it to your coach
11. Eat healthy fats, fish oil, avocado etc.
12. No cheese of any kind
13. Teetotaler Day - No Alcohol
14. No bread or baked goods today1
5. Do 15 Get Ups in the morning and 15 Knee Grab Abs in the afternoon or evening
16. Eat Veggies at your first meal
17. Read for enjoyment at least 20 minutes
18. No Caffeine today
19. Foam roll for 10 minutes
20. Make a salad a main course for lunch or dinner today.
21. Eat 2 cups of vegetables at any one meal (salad doesn’t count)
22. Eat 5 colors at one meal
23. Stretch for 10 minutes.
24. Do one thing from your To Do that you’ve been putting off
25. Eat fish for a main dish
26. Do 25 squats and 20 Dynamic planks