During the last week 2 people have added their name to the "Dropped 15 Pounds" board inside the gym. Considering this is the 'holiday season' that is especially amazing. Christine said she struggled to get those last few pounds and yet she made sure when they came off they stayed off before adding her name to the board. Jeannie hit several plateaus. She worked consistently and her determination paid off. 

I made sure the weight was going to stay off


I dropped a few pounds. Our family went through a crisis. I dropped 10 pounds because of it. I made sure that weight was going to stay off before adding my name to the board. I didn't want to cheat.

For the last two weeks I ate my meals with my left hand


I dropped a few pounds and then hit a plateau. I just kept on, then I would drop another pound or two. I would hit another plateau. I kept telling myself my body just needs to get used to the new weight. The last two weeks I ate my meals with my left hand to slow myself down. 

Both of these ladies walked in the gym and didn't wait for anyone to be there. Taking charge of the room, they added their names to secure their spot before the end of the year. I'm so proud of the work done to lose weight but much more to gain better health. 

Any time of the year losing weight is difficult. It takes work and more deliberate work as we age. Cr8 Fitness wants people in the surrounding Epsom area to gain health. With our society being more overweight than not, we know that making yourself healthier will automagically make you happier. New Hampshire could use more happy don't you think?

To your best health,

Coach Nancy


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