College Hoops has its Basketball tournament. It's become tradition at Cr8 Fitness to do a Team Fitness Challenge each March. This year is not different. In the past we've pushed the sled for laps. We've skied a Million Meters on the Ski Ergs with Dan as inspiration. In 2021 we did a Get Up challenge and we thanked the Queen of Get Ups, June.  We're going to combine a few events this year to Make It Happen in 2022. This year the 6pm crew is to thank for the inspiration. 

Dan inspired those at 6pm to ski and they added their twist to the skiing. Here is what they have been doing. After training, they ski 500 meters and in January they did 10 Get Ups afterward. They repeated this cycle until they had completed 2,000 meters. (Plus the 20 Get Ups). In February they skied 500 meters and did 10 Knee Grab Abs, repeating that until they hit 2,000 meters. We'll join them in their challenge in March. By alternating between skiing and another exercise they were able to fit more people into their group challenge. That will help us too. 

We'll kick off the competition on Pi Day. (3.14) 

Final Day to add in your ski meters will be on March25th.

Each training time can decide with Coach Nancy's input what the exercise will be and how many repetitions. There is a total of 9 days to ski. 9? Yes, the gym will be open on Saturday March 19th to ski. 

Here's your chance to prove your are still a bit crazy. How much can you ski in a two week period of time?

Do something a bit wild and join in March Madness,

Coach Nancy

Competition begins on March 14th. thru March 25th   Open gym for skiing March 19th.


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