Each morning there is this crazy group of people who come in before the sun is up to train at 5am. I love them all. Seriously you've got too, when people will get in their car to drive over and be ready usually with smiles to train early early. I asked them the best part of 5am. 

Bonuses of training at Cr8 Fitness:

  •  feels good to be in a family of people who care about you.
  • the camaraderie makes you feel special.
  •  you're accountable! One of the important reasons people benefit from the group is from the accountability. Even the bit of razzin' that goes on keeps you coming back for more.
  •  you have a coach. I believe people really want to know the “WHYs” to what they are doing and the reason they are doing it for. Knowing their is a coach who has your back helps keep you training confidently. 

Keep Making It Happen - no matter what time of day you train,

Coach Nancy


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