“If we want our lives to change in a positive way, WE have to be the agent of change.”
Kind of a liberating quote isn’t it? I wish I knew who said this.
Positive improvement knows no boundaries. It doesn’t rely on social status, background, race, home life, our past, our friends, our family, our troubles; it lives within each of us.
"If it is to be, it’s up to me." (another good quote I might add)
No one is going to wave a magic wand over us in order to improve us, improvement comes from within.
I think about this and ways to constantly improve my own life.
This is why Cr8 Fitness went from Coach Dean training outside on what is now the parking lot with 11 of his friends, his wife, and one paying client to training that rivals some of the best in the country.
Because he wasn’t satisfied with the training he could provide and he passed that passion onto me and therefore to our clients.
I have seen numerous lives changed when they accepted responsibility for that change. It is within each of us to change.
What do I mean?
When we take personal responsibility for who, what, and where we are in life, it changes our perspective on success.
We can now take control of our lives.
“Everything that happens to us—good and bad—is our personal responsibility. We can blame no one else. These are the choices we’ve made—this is the life we’re living. We will accept the consequences of our actions.” ~ Craig Ballantyne
Just saying this stuff is one thing, actually taking action is where the magic happens.
Here are 5 systems I use to support this notion.
- Plan and Prep: Planning and preparation are 2 key things that we all must do to ensure success in any part of our lives.
- Get a Coach: I know you have heard this before but wandering around aimlessly while you witness your life or your dreams disappear is not a good idea. All the most successful people in the world have someone to coach them. Experience is the best teacher.
- Social Support/Accountability: Don't confuse this with so-called great friends that inhibit our progress and sabotage our goals. Surround yourself with people with like minds and goals and lift each other up.
- Reward Yourself: Most of the people I deal with reward themselves for the wrong things; being tired, overworked, stressed, busy etc. How about waiting for a reward when you accomplish something big? I know kids are not rewarded continuously, but only when they do something good. How about you? Delayed gratification is a wonderful and life changing thing!
- Set a Deadline: This is the most important. Most of us are big producers when we have a definitive deadline. Think of all the times you pushed it when you knew there was not another option. I like to call them action forcers. They make us do things when normally we might push them back.
I use these systems in most everything I do. So, it's only natural I built each of these principles into our newest challenge Get Back on Track to ensure each participant’s success.
- Plan and Prep: The eating principles are laid out. The meal ideas are there. The shopping lists are created. You just have to put everything in motion.
- Get a Coach: This is what Cr8 Fitness is all about. We have worked with hundreds of clients, seen successes and failures and know exactly what you need to do to be successful.
- Social Support/Accountability: A challenge surrounds you with other people all looking to make improvements in their lives. We support this with a private Facebook group that is unequivocally positive and inclusive.
- Reward Yourself: Attaining better health is a long term reward that is hard to put a price on. I've decided for this challenge each week I make it through successfully I will spend $10 on myself. That is hard for me to spend money on me. You can decide how you want to reward yourself.
- Set a Deadline: The challenge starts January 19th, well, technically Monday, January 24th but the days before then are prep days so you can hit the ground running on Monday.
This is how we ensure success during our challenges.
Questions? Give me a call 603-340-7852 or email me nancy@cr8fitness.com
If you are ready to start taking care of you in 2022 click here!
To Your Best Health,
Coach Nancy
The world waits for no one and rewards action takers.
P.S. If I can help in anyway please let me know.